Preparedness IS – Readiness IS

English: Food storage area of the San Diego Fo...

English: Food storage area of the San Diego Fort in Acapulco, Mexico (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Preparedness is a list of foods and  goods gathered for emergencies!


Readiness is understanding how to use said goods and the knowledge of how to adapt in the middle of said crisis.


Like the cartoons I used to read that said “Happiness is…”

I wanted to share a few of the things that mean to me

Preparedness and Readiness

Preparedness is… Food Storage, 72 hour kits, and Water

Readiness is… having  food, water, and shelter no matter what

Preparedness is… A couple of pair of warm, clean socks!

Readiness is… A fire drill plan and practice

Preparedness is… A 72 hour kit (again YES! Do You Have Yours Yet?)

Readiness is… Knowing when to evacuate safely

Preparedness is… The food storage list being checked off

Readiness is… Baking your own bread ANYWHERE!

Preparedness is… Making sure you have some emergency supplies and tools in your car!

Readiness is…–> Survival Skills: Hunting, fishing, foraging, building shelters (everything they taught you in scouting!)

Preparedness is… A Full tank of gas when fueling stations are either dry or lined up for miles!!!

Amusing Video On Disaster Preparedness:

I am sure there are a lot more things we could add to this list!

What is on your list for Preparedness and Readiness?

3 responses to this post.

  1. Excellent points in your article 🙂


  2. […] Preparedness IS – Readiness IS ( […]


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