Archive for March, 2013

2013 Garden In Containers

container garden

Section 4 of my container garden 2013 – Image: M Burgess

My 2013 survival container garden is in as of last week.

Well, its more of a hobby garden but once it gets going it gives me some great veggies!

It’s been some considerable time since I have posted and for that I apologize. I have been side tracked on other projects.

Speaking of sidetracked, my container garden was planted in just that manner…

vegetable plants, gardening

New Plants For Garden 2013

I really had other plans but sometimes you gotta do what comes to mind and this was an excellent idea!

Coming home last Wednesday I remembered I wanted new Green Pepper plants and shot into the plant nursery parking lot. Little did I know I would be refurbishing my entire stash! My former plants were subjected to winter’s blast and did not make it through this season’s cold spell.

I love my little oasis in the desert. You see, I live in a brutal climate known as Southern Nevada. You tell me YOU can’t garden? Can you carry a bucket of water to a  porch? That’s how I do it! The majority of the work is setting the pots up with the soil and the planting. From there it is a cake walk. I find it a very comforting activity watching them grow tasty things. It is a good spot to rest in and just enjoy them.

For a beginning prepper, a garden is something that may be over looked. It is an important piece of your shelter at home planning. Plan and tend it well and it will be there when you need it. I plant tomatoes, peppers, and other goods that can grow small scale. I have two Guinea Pigs and myself so this small garden is adequate for our needs.

lemon tree blossom

Lemon Tree Blossoms 2013
Image: M Burgess

I have a citrus [lemon] tree in a large pot just because I want to see if it flourishes. And it has. It is now over 2 years old and budding like crazy! God willing the wind will not knock the tiny lemons off from it and I will have them on hand. To me it is a Vitamin C plant. That’s why I chose it.

What do I need for sure to cook with that is fresh and cannot be bottled, preserved, pickled, or dried? Those are the thoughts behind the plantings I do.

What inspires your garden?

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